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My Alphabet Summer

Writer's picture: JenniferJennifer

As it’s nearing the end of August I wanted to do a sum up of my summer, but figured a normal list would be too boring. So I present: My Alphabet Summer. I fit all the big things that happened to me this summer into each letter of the alphabet. So without further ado:

A - Agricultural Show

I visited Chepstow Agricultural show with B and my sister R to babysit her little ones while R and her partner were in one of the riding shows. Despite the torrents of rain and the chaos that surrounds two children under 3, I had a pretty good day! The shows were interesting, and the kids were adorably well behaved.

B - Birthdays

There were plenty of birthdays this summer. All 4 of my brothers have their birthdays between June and August, and B and his mum’s birthdays are in July. As well as my niece F in June. Suffice to say I have not bought as many presents as I should have, and I definitely haven’t eaten enough birthday cake! I did however make the most delicious vegan birthday cake, which I will be posting about soon - so keep an eye out for that.

C - Cooking

As you may have seen on this blog, I began learning a series of 30 new recipes and so far it’s gone really well! I’ve made a cake, stuffed chicken and bread. I’m really proud of how much I’ve learnt, and my kitchen utensils have definitely increased!

D - Driving Test

This is stretching it a little bit, but in May I passed my driving test which was a long time coming! I’d been having lessons on and off for the last 5 years! The only thing left to do here is quote Frodo Baggins “Get off the road”, because I’m now legally on it!

E - Entertaining

We’ve moved into a much bigger flat (more on that under N!) and it’s made such a difference to how we entertain. We were able to have a proper house-warming party, and we had a big family meal around our new dining table. It’s been so nice to be able to have friends around to just hang out.

F - Friends

This one is a nice lead in from F. My friends are awesome, and it’s been really nice being able to have them round for a party or a movie night and actually have the space for it! My friends have definitely been a big part of my summer. They’re awesome.

G - Games

My brother is a bit of a board game aficionado and every family meet up he brings some along and it's really nice. Everyone sits around the table arguing who gets to be blue and my poor brother desperately tries to explain the rules. I love a good session of Ticket to Ride (affectionately dubbed 'The Train Game') or most recently, Archipelago. Board games are a nice way of spending some time with my family and we always play them a lot in the summer.

H - Holiday

In June we went on holiday to Spain to visit my parents out there, and it was the first time B’s mum met my parents! We had a lovely week away in Asturias, which is like Wales, but on drugs – it’s higher. The temperatures are higher, the mountains are higher, the alcohol prices are… lower. I was very proud of that pun until that example…

I - Ian Mckellen

We were really lucky to get to watch Ian Mckellen’s 80th birthday tour when it came to Aberystwyth. It was a really nice night and he is such a talented performer. I felt really privileged to get to watch him.

J - Job

At the end of June I started a new job. It’s been a really interesting experience and I’ve been able to learn so much.

K - Kids

The kids = babysitting. I’ve been trusted a few times this summer to look after my sister’s little ones on my own and I’ve only injured them a few times! All kidding aside, they’ve been a pretty solid part of my summer and I do love being their crazy aunt who spoils them.

L - Lessons

This summer I’ve started singing lessons again after a few years break and it’s been really nice. I’ve only had a few lessons so far but I’ve enjoyed the experience, and it’s done wonders for my confidence.

M - Mattress

For the new flat, we needed furniture, and so we had to go shopping. I am genuinely counting buying my first mattress as a highlight of this summer, it’s made me feel super grown up!

N - New Flat

It’s amazing. Huge high ceilings, giant reception room. I love it. The windows are taller than me! On the 1st of July we moved into our new home and it’s been amazing compared to our last place. I’ve loved having the space for a dining table to spread my jigsaw puzzles on. It’s absolutely one of the biggest highlights of this year.

O – “Oh no”

My niece F is learning to talk, and is getting pretty good at it. But my favourite will always be what I count as her first words – “oh no!”. Her mum and I often say “oh no!” when something goes wrong, and we hadn’t even noticed we were doing it until she started saying it too. It also nicely expresses the sentiment felt by the parents and family of a child who is learning to talk – the knowledge that they’ll now never shut up.

P - Piano

For his birthday, I bought B an electric piano and I’m so glad I did. I’m not in any shape or form a pianist, but I can bash out the right hand of Fur Elise! It’s been really nice to be able to work on things and play around when looking at musical scores and things.

Q - Quiz

Okay I admit, Q was a difficult one. But I recently did one of those Myers Briggs personality quizzes - in fact I’ve now done it three times, and got different results each time… - and when I finally just decided to work it out for myself based on the criteria I got a result I was pleasantly surprised with – ENFP if you’re interested. One of the biggest things from this was the list of careers it provided, because like many recent graduates, I’m stuck wondering “what do I do with my life?” and this list gave me an interesting way to approach an answer.

R - Road Trip

For B’s mum’s birthday we travelled up to Worcester and it’s always a fun drive. It’s not exactly a major road trip but it’s always fun to drive up belting out showtunes and chatting. Plus we had a really nice time seeing friends, getting singing lessons and going to real shops!

S - Siblings

My siblings are the coolest of the cool. I’m really lucky in that I live close to three of them so I can visit them often. We’ve done a few great things this summer, including beach trips, meals and evenings playing board games. Plus my sister and one of my brothers were in Spain when we went and it was great to have the extra company!

T - Theatre

A few weeks ago B and I did a little short play evening with our friends’ company and it was a really fun evening. I always find rehearsing for a show to be the most fun and this was no different. We had quite a few rehearsals in the run up to the show and it’s so nice to get to hang out with your friends all evening and work on something you enjoy!

U - University graduation

In July I donned the cap and gown and did the walk across the stage. I’d worked damn hard for my masters so it was really nice to be able to say to myself “you earned this Jen”. B’s mum came down as well which was really nice of her, and we had a really nice celebration together.

V - Vortex

This summer I started directing Noel Coward’s The Vortex with a good friend of mine and it’s been really nice. We took a break for the shorts evening we did and we’re only just getting back into it but I’m already excited. It’s a really good script and we’ve got a really talented cast.

W - Writing

As you can tell, this summer I started a blog! It’s been really nice to have a creative outlet and it’s gotten me working on all of these new recipes which has been an experience!

X - Xercise

Yeah okay this is a cheat. You try finding a word beginning with x!

I don’t really exercise much. I like to, I’m just lazy. This summer I decided enough was enough and started working on getting better about it. I now fairly regularly walk to and from work - which is an hour walk - as well as swimming and going to the gym sometimes. Honestly, I don’t know if it’s made much difference - but all the experts say it will so I’ll take their word for it!

Y - Year

This June me and B celebrated having lived together for a year. The sucker has put up with living with me for 12 months! All kidding aside, it’s been pretty cool to live with my best friend, and I hope he can cope for a couple more years!

Z - Zigzag

The end half of the alphabet is ridiculously difficult, but I feel like this one counts. A few months ago we visited a local tourist attraction with my sister and her little ones – King Arthur’s Labyrinth, and the labyrinth area was all twisty and zigzagged around, so I’m counting this one! It was a really nice day out and as a Welsh person and a history fan, the history stuff was pretty damn cool too.

So there we have it. My alphabetical summer. You’ll notice some similar themes running through it but it was a pretty good one overall. Lots of sun, family, friends and fun, with a little bit of personal growth in there too.

What about you? Can you fit your summer into the alphabet?

Hwyl am nawr

J x

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